Awesomeness Deluxe

Clubfoot of Death

Vibram FiveFingers and a Swollen Ankle

I bring your attention to my right foot, which if you haven’t noticed got a lot bigger than my left on the final day’s trek into Machu Picchu.  They think I got bitten by a spider.  Serves me right for going au natural and avoiding any deet infused liquid death spray (which I succumbed to anyway as soon as I ran out out of Citronella oil).  Tourists were so enthralled by my Vibram Five Fingers they didn’t even notice my grotesquely, morbidly obese right ankle as they snapped away in glee at my shoes, even at one point making me stand on one foot so they could take pictures of the bottom of my feet.  The ankle got a few inches bigger than this before the swelling started to go down.  Homeopathics so did not work for me in terms of not getting bit by tiny, blood thirsty bugs.  If anybody has any non toxic remedies for me to try on my next insect filled adventure, I’m all ears.

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