Awesomeness Deluxe

focus your energy

”If I want to be as successful as I want to be, I have to be thinking about it all the time.” – Michael Phelps

I used to believe that multitasking was the way to go. I could juggle 7 or 8 things at a time and felt I was being rather productive. I still do this from time to time, however its not my method of choice. I prefer single tasking now. Complete focus on what is in front of me. With complete focus, you actually get more done with single tasking. Not only that, but what has been accomplished has been accomplished better then if you were to multi task. Also, with multitasking, the focus is divided and there is the tendency to do too much at once. Focusing let’s you achieve what’s important, not everything.

There is only so much time and energy we have in a day. Thus, we have to choose appropriately. This is extremely important in whether or not you’ll succeed or fail. If you lose focus while doing something chances are it won’t be done as effectively. Whether you’re playing a video game, reading a book, working out, cooking, without hyper focus on the subject at hand it just won’t be as good. We live in an age like no other in the history of mankind. We have too many distractions. We have meetings which take up time, we have phone calls which take up time, we have emails to respond to, as well as text messages, as well as instant messages, as well as wallposts, as well as snail mail. Each one of those slowly sucks up your time, some take immediate attention, others can have delayed response times. All of it distracts you from focusing on what’s important! However, if you can focus on what’s important, you can seriously turn into a jedi master at what you are focusing on. It’s a matter of trimming the fat and finding what’s important to you, and then going forward with that.

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