Awesomeness Deluxe

Forgiveness is a beautiful thing.

“To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.” – Robert Muller

I have been doing a A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume for about 5 months now (highly recommended) and one of the really beautiful and brilliant insights about it is looking at God in a different light.  It can be a touchy subject but the way a Course in Miracles talks about it just seems to vibe right.  Anyway, one of the things it mentions is that God does not forgive you.  What’s that you say? No forgiveness from the almighty?!!! That is correct.  God does not forgive you because God never judged you, so there is nothing to forgive.  Woahhhhhhh, trippy.

Humans, on the other hand, like to judge everything.  It helps us survive by categorizing stuff.  I think a lot of people go way overboard with judgment, and that’s when feelings can get hurt.  can you forgive them for judging you?  usually, their judgment has nothing to do with you, it usually has everything to do with them and their issues.  can you forgive your boss, your friends and family for any wrongdoings you may think they have done to you?  most importantly, can you forgive YOURSELF?  that one is hard for many people, including myself.  you truly are your own worst critic, but if you can cultivate the attitude of forgiveness and realize that you are allowed to make mistakes then peace and happiness and abundance will flow through you.  give yourself permission, right now, to not be perfect and to make mistakes.  do it, its Marty approved.

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