Awesomeness Deluxe

What Happens if You Started Today?

I have been feeling lazy, which is why I haven’t written in a while.  Well, there’s more to the story than that.  School kept my hands full.  I wasn’t overloaded, just annoyingly occupied to the point where I wasn’t really able to do a lot of extracurriculars.  I had to cut down on my exercise, jiu jitsu, rock climbing, and writing.  I did still keep up with reading, though, so all was not lost.  Then my exams finished, and school was off for the break and I just decided to plunk down on the couch, play some video games and eat a lot of junk.  So far, so good.

I wanted to write a series of posts over the break but that didn’t happen.  Instead, this is the best I could muster.  Google seems to be sending lots of beachbody P90X, Insanity, Rev Abs people my way.  For the record, this isn’t a health and fitness blog, at least not completely.  Its mostly a lifestyle blog.  It was started before Facebook and Gmail and Twitter and Skype as a way to keep in touch with friends.  Friends are now much easier to keep in touch with so this blog, at least to my friends, became much less relevant.  Except some awesome readers have stated they have found my writing useful, and because I still enjoy writing. Man, the internet moves FAST.

Writing is like many skills that require practice.  If you don’t use it it becomes harder to do.  I’m still kicking myself for not practicing tying a few uber elite knots I was taught over the summer and have since forgotten 🙁  So, I am going to try to write 500 words per day for the next 2 weeks and see what happens (not all of it on this blog).  Just for fun, no pressure.  I find putting out a goal outside of your head and onto something else such as telling your friends makes it real and thus forces you into action.  Letting someone know that you are going to be running in a marathon forces you to start running.  Afterall, nobody wants to look like a liar and a fool.  Sometimes it happens, anyway.  No biggy, sack up and try again (trust me nobody really cares that much).

But when you start, it feels good.  Then, when you look back on what you’ve accomplished hopefully you have something to be proud of.  If you’ve made any improvements whatsoever, that’s an awesome thing.  Even if you don’t hit the goal, heading in the right direction is pretty rad.  I love it when I hear someone tell me they’ve started P90X, because I know that there’s a good chance, if they want it enough (that burning desire inside), that they are going to finish.  And I have yet to meet someone who finished it and didnt look better, or feel better, even if they hated the workout or Tony Horton’s annoying voice (I don’t find Tony annoying, he’s hilarious imo).  Heck, even if the ones who didn’t quit immediately saw some good benefits.

Just imagine what can be accomplished if you just started today.  Its one of those things that nobody can really force you to do, so its got to come from an “oh shit” moment.  Sometimes a moment comes from really crappy places like a divorce or passing out from eating too much chocolate cake (Win?).  Other times the moments come from really cool places like watching a 72 year old bench press 400 lbs.  Find the moments.  Find the burning desire.  Today is a good day to start.

I think I’ll do a year end review next.  Seems like a good time to do it, being year end and all.

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