Tag Archives: bodyweight exercises

RMAX Bodyweight Exercise Revolution Review

My fitness journey started in May of 2009.  As I progressed and got stronger, more athletic, faster, and all of the other benefits that exercise provide, I noticed my biggest gains came from the same or similar exercises over and over again.  Most of them required no equipment and no weights.  A lot of them involved bodyweight, and so being the research heavy nerd that I am I wanted to find out some effective exercises that involved strictly bodyweight movement.  RMAX Bodyweight Exercise Revolution is one such program, and it is a very impressive program indeed.  This is my review.

Bodyweight exercises brings about functional strength, this is why I avoid the gym.  I dont need the gym, its costly, out of the way, can get crowded, filled with people who dont know what they are doing, and often smell funny.  Bodyweight exercises on the other hand are free, can be done anywhere, anytime, and bring about real strength, endurance, and athleticism.  Bas Rutten said it best when he said, ” You can bench press 500 pounds, congratulations!! I can kick your ass.”.  Real, functional strength involves incredible feats with the body.  Olympic gymnasts, break dancers, Capoeira, thats real strength and these athletes all do bodyweight exercises.  Guys in the gym focus on isolating the muscles, and that is flash over function.  If that is your thing then bodyweight exercises arent for you, and RMAX Bodyweight Exercise Revolution (BER) certainly isnt for you.

Theres a certain beauty about this program that I can’t really put into words.  It isnt hard per se in the traditional sense when you think about working out where you are sweating bullets and maxing out reps to exhaustion, but it is challenging in its own right and more effective at improving body control.  The program consists of an ebook that explains the method with lots of detail and pictures showing the specific techniques, as well as videos that show proper form and movement.  To summarize, basically its a 28 day program consisting of four days done 7 times (4×7) based off of the Fibonacci sequence geared towards specific goals such as fat loss, strength, general athleticism and so on.  Confusing? You bet.  It kind of is at first but you’ll get the hang of it quickly.

All you really need to know is its four days in a row (no intensity, low intensity, medium intensity, and high intensity) done seven times for a total of 28 days, and depending on your goals such as fat loss or strength gain those exercises during those 28 days are different.  Got it? Good.  The ebook manual lays out clearly what needs to be done for each day showing proper technique while emphasizing being mindful of exertion, technique, and discomfort.  Should you decide to actually read the ebook instead of diving right into the regimen, you will notice a very well thought out and intelligent philosophy of training that I haven’t seen much in other programs.

But does it work? In a sense, yes, but only if you follow the program carefully.  My only real gripe with the program is the initial learning curve and complexity of the regimens.  It was quite an eye opening and humbling  experience for me on what’s possible with bodyweight and I look forward to exploring that path further.  I do plan on using Bodyweight Exercise Revolution further in this exploration.


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