Tag Archives: tv

When it hits you…

Have you ever felt that indescribable feeling you get when something jibes with you so much and to such an extent that you just can’t shake that feeling? Like a calling, of sorts, but not really. It’s bigger than that. It resonates with you, right to your core.

I’ve been watching this show called Departures and it does exactly that to me. I can’t stop watching the show. It was recommended to me a few years ago by a former co-worker and I was sure I wasn’t going to like it. I just brushed it off since I watch so little TV that it would just be some stupid travel show. Then over the holidays I turned it on, and watched….and watched….and watched. I have to physically force myself to stop watching and have limited myself to 1 episode a day. The good news, I guess, is that it is only 3 seasons long. But at the same time, I don’t ever want this show to end, and knowing that there’s an end makes me kind of sad. But then of course, everything ends and that’s ok.

There is something about it, though, that just has me hooked. My brother watched the first 2 episodes and hated it. Yet I can’t get my eyes away from the TV when it’s on. And not like, “Oh, this is a cool show, I’m going to watch this like Seinfeld” kind of way. It’s something much more than that, like I’m there in the show, feeling what they are feeling. It has hit me hard. I mean, sure it’s about 2 dudes who both remind me of myself in certain ways that go travel around the planet, but there’s tons of travel shows out there with hosts that go to wild and exotic places. I don’t even think travel is what draws me to it. The inner discovery, the trials and tribulations, the hardships, the rewarding victories, the way the story is told, it just grabs me by the balls. They are looking for something, but they don’t know what it is, yet they’ll know when they’ve found it. A ball grabber, for sure. What’s grabbed you by the balls, lately?

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” – Steve Jobs