Tag Archives: choice

Rise from the ashes… anytime you wish

For as long as I can remember, the Phoenix has always been one of my favourite mythical creatures. Maybe it is from growing up with Xmen and reading comic books about Phoenix – aka Jean Grey. Or it could be that Phoenix was a badass summon in Final Fantasy 7, one of my most favourite video games of all time (or that the Phoenix Down would save your ass every time in all of the Final Fantasy games). Maybe something else, I’m not sure. But I do know that the idea of a phoenix is pretty darn cool. For those that don’t know, a phoenix is this amazing fire bird that would regenerate. According to wikipedia, historics say the phoenix could be symbolic for a whole bunch of things including the sun and time.

The idea of cycles and seasonality is at the very core of all that is natural. The sun, the moon, the seasons. Your own body runs on cycles and rhythms. Math is rammed with them. Music. On and on. Regen, rebirth, rinse, repeat. On it goes. The phoenix is just like that. With feathers and wings. And a beak. The one in the Harry Potter movies was so pretty.

Your life is like a metaphorical phoenix. It’s seasonal. And rhythmic or something. You will rise, you will fall. If you ever hit rock bottom, the only place to go is up. Rise from the ashes like a phoenix, baby! If you find yourself on top, enjoy it while it lasts. Even P Diddy can’t stay on top forever. 10 years maybe, but definitely not forever.

Every day you have a genuine shot at rebirth. The choice is yours. It might not feel that way in the mundane day to day, but really it is. It’s hard to convince someone to try new things. The harder it is to convince him, the slower the rebirth. The cycle is longer. It’s like staying at that shit job until you get shit canned. Bam, rebirth time. Or that god awful relationship because of inertia that abruptly ends cause your partner dumped you for being so boring. Sweet, rise phoenix, rise! But why’s it have to happen to most people only when they get shit on? Why does it have to be the last possible option? I don’t get it. Why isn’t it one of the first possible options? You choose. It can happen anytime you want. Don’t forget that.