The Law of Impermanence

In Buddhism, it is said that Buddha taught 3 facts of existence… they are suffering, non-self, and impermanence. Impermanence is the one that I take to heart the most (but the others are worth reflection as well), perhaps because it is the easiest to understand and the easiest to see unfold in the real world. If you’ve heard the terms such as “nothing lasts forever” and other sayings then you are touching on impermanence.

My buddy has a tattoo of the symbol of impermanence permanently plastered on his body. Ironic? Perhaps. But he’ll die one day, his skin will wither to nothing, and thus it isn’t really permanent. Eckart Tolle says (paraphrasing…also, holy shit, I’m busting out Tolle).. “Even the sun will die some day”

My workout buddy and frequent partner in crime told me that his work let go some people today. Then, predictably, he stated that he thought he was next to get chopped, shrugged his shoulders, and that was that. He then blabbed on about something about Gladiator. I don’t know, I was confused too. Anyway, tangent….But it happens (the layoff, not the tangent, but I guess that’s true, too…Ah I did it again!), especially in a society focused on the bottom line. When/If this ever happens to you, see it not as a setback but rather an opportunity to start something new, because in reality everything is impermanent. Easier said than done, I know (as is most things I recommend on this blog), but just tell yourself “this too shall pass”

And I just read Google Reader is shutting down. I cursed a lot, rage tweeted, and threw stuff. I then sobbed uncontrollably. But I’m back now and all is good. I saw it coming. RSS is dead or dying, at least according to Google. They even removed the subscribe to RSS button from Chrome (you have to download an extension to re-enable the functionality). I understand, I suppose, from a business perspective. They have to consolidate their projects and focus on steering the gigantic ship they have become towards a clear direction. I mean, that’s what businesses are supposed to do I guess, right??

But anyway, yeah. Impermanence. This is a LAW. This is a FACT. There is no escape. Things change, people change, times change. When you feel like utter garbage, know that it won’t last. When you are sitting on top of the world, that too will end. That awesome job will have its redundant and boring times. That incredible relationship will fade…

So be nice, play nice, and enjoy the ride. And never, ever, forget the law of impermanence.

P.S. I got all nostalgic reading some old posts from this blog in Google Reader that are no longer on the site. I wonder if I’ll get some time to restore some of them, because there are some goodies.